Who are you sharing your foxhole with?

I recently came across this article: Why Asking Your Pastor if he is a member of the Clergy Response Team may change history and am reminded of so many salient issues that chaplains must consider in their service, their hearts, and their walk with Christ. This is a must read and the issues considered deeply.

I recently read the biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy and if you haven’t, you must. Along with Metaxas Letter to the American Church, the sober and discerning mind of a disciple of Christ must consider the nature of our work in Christ as it becomes more tested. Foregoing any aspect of a Biblical lifestyle risks our ability to persevere and overcome, winning the race as is our duty. I know there are individual churches, pastors, denominations et al that focus on ways to avoid entering the fray. This is not an option. We must constantly humble ourselves to God’s Word knowing that in any lapse of vigilance is an opportunity for the adversary. We are on a battlefield where there is no middle-ground; and the chaplain is truly the minister on the battlefield who must be prepared, constantly preparing, for every good work. Our work is not to survive, but to overcome, to be victorious.

Time to pull out the stops, put on His armor, and be prepared to stand.

Fight For the Heart of your King

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